Friday, May 29, 2009

God's Faithfulness

The Faithfulness of God Makes Us Rich In Him By Christ Jesus, So Hold Your Head Up High and Go Claim Your Inheritance!

Put Satan In Check...

The next time the Devil comes up to you and remind you of the former things of your past, Be sure to reminds him, That you have been redeemed from yours, While he has to still pay for his...And Begin to Shout the Victory!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ready, Set And Go...

Hebrews 12:1 KJV
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

The race is set before us, Have you prepared yourself to make it to the finishing line, Or are you dragging your feet by not following the mandate that the Lord has given up by laying all those things that will slow you down, Such as the many weights of sin...The song says the road gets rough, The going gets toughs and even the hills are hard to climb...But this one thing I have made up my mind to do and that is I have decided to make Jesus my choice.

So grab a partner (The Word of God) and by fasting and praying you can make it to the finishing line. I plan to make it there what about you, Somehow I got to make this journey somehow, Satan on my track, Trying to turn me back, But I gotta make this journey somehow.... It's not how fast you run, but making it to the end!

Be Blessed!

Farther Along

Today I'm reflecting on one of the hymns of the Church, Farther Along We'll Know All About It, Farther Along Will Understand Why, Cheer Up My Brother, Live In The Sunshine, We'll Understand It....All By And By!

Sometimes Life gives us situation that we don't know what or how to handle them, But if we would only look to the hills from which comet our help, Being Jesus the Chief Cornerstone. We have a rock to stand upon, So as the song implies Cheer Up and Live In The Sunshine because their will be a Brighter Day Ahead!

I'm a true and living witness that God will not give you anything more than he know you can bear...It's A process we all have to go through in order to come out as Pure Gold tried in the fire.

I close encouraging you to hold on, be strong and run the race that have been given you to run. For at the end you will be more than a conqueror In Christ Jesus!

Florine Horton

Florine, Wow I am sadden with mix emotions, For over 32 years I known you, As a teenager entering for Official Duty for the Internet Revenue Service you befriended me along with other, And you kept the friendship real and later on it's seem like we became brother and sister, You gave me support and encourage me in my ministry of song...You called me from time to time to check up on me as any real sister would, And when the time I became critical ill, You came to my bedside and gave me words to encourage me that I will be alright...We had our differences in many things lol, But it didn't stop us for being brother and a sister to each other.

When I got the news that you had taken your flight from here I was so sadden, Because I felt a void so deeply sad...But you became tired and you needed your rest, So not to be selfish I must and I will let you take your rest.... So rest my sister your work is finish down here, And now that I'm grown I will always remember you as my on and off the job friend that was there for me till the end! Take your rest...Until the Lord return!

Shout Out To Jay And Jay Soul

Jay & Jay Soul Bible 2 from jay and jay soul on Vimeo.