Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Do Born Again People Sin Daily?

I am fully aware that many teach that no man can live free from sin, that we sin every day, and that there is no one that does not sin every day he lives. One can see that this teaching is entirely out of harmony with the Bible by reading the above Scriptures. If these men sin every day, then they are sinners every day and there is no time that they are not sinners. If they are sinners all the time, then there is no time they are not under the penalty of the broken law, and they will be sent to Hell as sinners to pay the death penalty. They are not Christians or saved from sin any one day they live if they sin every day they live. Christ means nothing to them if they are sinners and if they cannot be saved from sin.

It is time that men wake up and stop listening to such teaching and begin to read the Bible and obey it for themselves. Naturally, no man that does not believe in salvation from sin can ever get saved from sin. If Christ came to save us from our sins and He cannot do it, then He has failed in His mission. If the New Testament teaches freedom from sin, then it is either the truth or a lie. If it is a lie, then we might as well throw the whole Bible away and have nothing to do with religion. Christianity, in that case, is a mere sham and a false religion, teaching something that is not true. If salvation through Christ is true, however, then these modern teachers of religion are false and no man can safely believe them. It is not right even to listen to them deny the truths of the Bible. It is a sin to support them in such a program. If Christianity is a sham, it is a sin to support it and its leaders.

What Are your thoughts on this subject?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do Christians sin daily?? My answer would be yes. I believe that the walk of the Christian is a process also the sins that are atributed to christian has been placed upon Christ when he died for the sins of the "Whole World." I do also believe that the true Christian whom God has placed a seal upon heart does not live with the intent to sin or does not have a conviction in his/her heart once they have sinned. The scriptures that you mention is clearly not referring to one who has been born again through Christ. We must walk by faith and not by sight. If we see our Sins or wrong doings and still claim the penalty for them then Christ has done nothing for us. If you show me a Christian who say he doesnt sin then that is his sin.