Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Power Of The Tongue

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 18:21 KJV

The Tongue is oh so powerful, It can speak Life and it also can Speak Death and the love of that same tongue eat the fruit thereof it.

How you use your own tongue can bring life to you and those around you, It can cause the unsaved one to know Christ as you witness to them to God's Salvation Plan, It can be comfort to those in sorrow that will give them consolation, It can be used to sing the praises of God, It can bring healing to the sick The Tongue oh so powerful but can be oh so deadly. Cause someone to shed a tear, cause someone to never know about the loving God you say you serve.

Often times you can tell where a person is with God by the use of there Tongue, I would like to challenge you to examine how you use your tongue, Weather it's to bring forth Life or to bring Death, I choose to speak life into your life both spiritual and natural and that you have Life and It more abundantly. I speak Life that you may prosper as your soul does prosper in God, I speak life in your health, your finance, I speak life that family members hear the voice of God through you to be saved....

I refuse to speak Death but Life.... So take time to examine what your tongue is speaking, Is it Life or Death?


If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place. 2Chr 7:14-16....

Greetings beloved people of God, How often do we here this scripture quoted, preached and in return we ask from time to time Why don’t we hear from the Lord, and why are the saints sick, why is sin on a rampage and why aren’t our prayers being heard. Well I often ask the same question until the Lord revealed unto me in prayer and meditation. That the reason we don’t hear from him as we should is before we hear from him, we must follow his instructions to the tee.

The key focus of this verse of scripture is “If” This is the promise of God letting us know what the Lord would do for us "If" we do these things.... for example Humble Ourselves, Pray With Out Ceasing, Seek The Face of God, Turn From The Wicked Ways of Our Lives.

Must Christians/Saints don't want to apply themselves to the conditions that the Lord has given unto us therefore we don't hear from God. Remember "If" we do what been ask then we shall reap the benefits!!!!

People of God it’s time for us to apply the word as is and now as the way we want them to be… Daily examine yourself as much as the other person next to you for in the end it’s you that the Lord is going to question at the time of Judgment… I am Lord willing approaching 40 years of Spiritual Birth being saved at the age of 12 years old and If I but may paraphrase I once was Young but now I’m getting older and I yet to have seen the righteous forsaken me but my blessings have been hinder at times because of not following his word as prescribe but only as I wanted them to be. And it my earnest desires to please the Lord in all of my way that I might reap the full benefits of his blessings. So in closing I pray God choicest and richest blessings unto you and that you receive this Daily Nugget, Remember the key word to this passage of scripture is “IF”